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Copyright 1995-2005, Mark Schumacher, www.onmarkproductions.com/XXX/XXX.html
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- Onmarkproductions.com is not associated with any educational institution, private corporation, or governmental agency. I am a single individual, working at my own pace, limited by my own inadequacies. There is no one looking over my shoulder, so I must accept full responsibility for any and all inaccuracies at this site. If you discover any, please contact me directly.
- The information presented at this web site is as accurate as I can achieve. Yet, I'm sure there are some inaccuracies, especially in my spelling and naming of the deities in non-Japanese languages (e.g., Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and Korean). However, under no circumstances shall Onmarkproductions.com be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suffered that you believe resulted from your use or another party's use of content from this site.
Onmark Homepage Dictionary of Japan's Buddhist Deities
