The A-to-Z Photo Dictionary, along with BuddhaNet (creator of the below page), assume no liability for your dealings with the organizations presented herein. Contact numbers, individuals, pricing, and other information may vary from those listed -- as this list is no longer updated. Also, these pages no longer appear at BuddhaNet, and are offered here only as a convenience to readers. Return to Main Menu on Temple Lodging in Japan.
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- BuddhaNet. World Buddhist Directory, Japan
International dialing prefix for Japan +81
All Japan Young Buddhist Association
c/o Kofukuji, 2-21 Miyamoto-Cho, Kawasaki-ku,
Kawasaki city 210-0004, Japan
Tel: (81) 44-222-4566 Fax: (81) 44-246-7868
Web site:
Affiliation: World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY)
Antaiji: Temple of Peace
Kutoyama 62. Hamasaka-cho,
Mikata-gun, Hyogo-ken 669-6727 Japan
Tel/Fax: 0796-85-0023
Web site: Antaiji Homepage
Abbot: Muho
Tradition: Soto Zen
Agon Shu Kansai So-honbu
Jingumichi Agaru Sanjodori
Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City 605-0031, Japan
Tel: 81-75-761-1141
Web site:
Tradition: Agon Shu
Director: Kiriyama Kancho
AZI Naka-ku Nagoya-shi
Contact: Rev. Myoko Horibe
c/o Sooryuji Sotozen Temple
2-3, Shinsakae, 1 chome
470 Naka-ku Nagoya-shi
Tel: 0081-522414712
Tradition: Soto Zen
Founder: Master Taisen Deshimaru
Affiliation: Association Zen Internationale
AZI Tokyo
Contact: Kazuo Morimoto
Zenpuku-ji 1-5-11. Suginamiku
167 -0041 Tokyo
Tel/Fax 813/-3390 59 55
Tradition: Soto Zen
Founder: Master Taisen Deshimaru
Affiliation: Association Zen Internationale
Buddhist English Academy
802 Diamond Place, 3-5-3
Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan.
Tel: (03) 342-6605
Description: Information Centre
Buddhist Group Tokyo
c/o Alexander Krys
Japan 184-0013
Tokyo, Koganei-shi, Maehara-cho 1-17-11-101
Fax: (423) 019943
Mobil: (903) 5983072
Tradition: Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Director: Lama Ole Nydahl
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
Society for the Promotion of Buddhism
3-14, 4-chome
Shiba Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-0014 Japan
Tel. (03) 3455-5851
Founder: Reverend Dr. Yehan Numata
Daihonzan Eihei-ji Tokyo Betsuin Chokoku-ji
21-34 Nishi-Azabu 2-Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031
Tel: 03-3400-5232
Web site:
Tradition: Soto Zen
Teacher: Godo, Tanto
Daihonzan Eihei-ji
Apply to: International Department Daihonzan Eiheiji
Shihi, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun
Fukui-ken 910-1294
Tel: 0776-63-3640
Web site:
Tradition: Soto Zen
Dharma Center of Japan
2-21-4 Kohinata, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 112-0006 Japan
Tel: (03) 5395-1088, Fax: 5395-4257
Web site:
Lineage: Universalist lineage of Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche
Tradition: Integrating Karma Kargyu and Theravada
Teacher: Achariya Doug Duncan
Contact: John Munroe:
Dhamma Dipa
2F, 1-3-4- Nakai, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 161 Japan.
Teacher: Ven. U Vicittasara
Affiliation: Mahasi Sayadaw Meditation Centre
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
Aza Hatta, Mizuho-cho
Funai-gun, Kyoto-fu 622-03 Japan
Tel: 81-771-86-0765, Fax: 86-0765
Tradition: Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka.
Dhammakaya International Meditation Center (Tokyo)
2-59-20-201 Kaneko Bld., Shimo, Kita-Ku, Tokyo 115 Japan
Tel: 3-39036571 to 72
Fax: 3-39036573
Web site:
Founder: Luang Phor Sodh
Tradition: Thai Meditation Organisation
Dhamma Kaya International Meditation Center (Kashiwa)
Yamasai kopo 3-18-2 (204) Kitakashiwa Kashiwa Shi Chiba
Kashiwa, Chiba 2770832 Japan
Contact: Kanchana Kottegoda
Tel: 080 5088 2164
Founder: Luang Phor Sodh
Tradition: Thai Meditation Organisation
Do Ngak Sung Juk (DNSJ)
Mailing address:
Sento Biru 10F
Shimomeguro 2-21-28
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 〒 161-0033
Web site:
Tradition: Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Affiliation: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) global network. Do Ngak Sung Juk (DNSJ) has a pending affiliation with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), a global network of 140+ Tibetan Buddhist centres, healing and retreat centres, monasteries, nunneries, publishing house, etc. which was founded in 1975. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche serves as FPMT's Spiritual Director and His Holiness the Dalai Lama as Guide and Inspiration. DNSJ offers various activities, including bilingual teachings and retreats by FPMT-certified Tibetan and non-Tibetan teachers. See website for more.
Dzogchen Centre Tokyo
Saiwai 2-11-1-a705
Ichikawa-city, pref.Chiba 272-0123 Japan
Contact: Shiota Maria
Tel: +81-47-307-5089
Web site:
Tradition: Tibetan, Nyingma School, Lonchen Nyingtig Tradition
Teacher: Patrul Rinpoche
Dogen Sangha (Ida Ryogokudo Zazen Dojo)
5-11-20 Minami Yawata
Ichikawa City Chiba Prefecture, Japan 272
Tel: 473-79-1596, Fax: 473-78-6232
Web site:
Tradition: Soto Zen
Teacher: Master Gudo Wafu Nishijima
Hoi Phat Giao Viet Nam Tai Nhat Ban
CPO Box 1467 Tokyo, Japan
Tel: (03) 3993-2196
Contact: Senior Venerable Thich Minh Tuyen
Tradition: Vietnamese, Pure Land
Honganji International Center
Higashi-naka-suji Rokujo-sagaru,
Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 600-8341
Supervisor: Rev. Hayashi Yasuaki
Tel: (75) 371 5547, Fax: 371 4070
Tradition: Jodo-Shinshu Honganji-ha (Pure Land Buddhism)
International Buddhist Services of Nichiren Shu
Myokyoji Temple
6-15-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Contact: Rev. Mochida
Tel: (03) 3751-7181
Tradition: Nichiren Shu
Teachers: Rev Imai, Rev Mochida, Rev Komukai
International Zen Dojo
611 Tsurushima, Uenoharacho
Kita Tsura-gun, Yamanashi-ken 409-01.
Tel: (05546) 2-3198
Teacher: Rev. Kanemaru Roshi
Tradition: Rinzai Zen
Resident Teacher: Kanemaru Roshi
Japan Theravada Buddhist Association
Gotami Vihara, 1-23-9 Hatagaya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0072
Tel: (3) 5738-5526, Fax: (3) 5738-5527
Web site:
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation
Teachers: Ven. U Vicittasara Thero and
Ven. Alubomulle Sumanasara Thero
Japan Vipassana Centre
Dhamma Bhanu
Iwakamioku, Hatta, Mizuho-cho
Funai-gun, Kyoto 622-0324.
Tel/Fax: (0771) 86-0765.
Web site:
Tradition: Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N.Goenka
Jodo Shu Headquarters
4-7-4 Shibakoen, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan 105-0011
Web site:
Tradition: Honen - Pure Land Buddhism
Josei Toda International Center
15-3 Samon-cho
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0017 Japan
Tel: 03-5360-9831, Fax: 03-5360-9885
International Web site:
Tradition: Soka Gakkai
President: Daisaku Ikeda
Kaioji Temple
642 Katsuura, Nachi Katsuuracho
Higashi Muro-gun
Tel: (07355) 2-0839
Priest in charge: Rev. Sosen Takeuchi
Tradition: Rinzai Zen
Kinryuji Temple
22-4 Yorozucho
Tochigi City, Japan 328-0015
Tel: 0282 (22) 0802, Fax: 0282 (24) 5061
Minister: Bishop Kodo Masunami
4-8 Oyama 1-chome,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0062
Tel: 03-3782-1359
Tradition: Soto Zen
Priest: Rev. Kuroda
Kyoto Kokusai Zendo (International Zen Centre Kyoto)
c/o Tokoji Rinzai Zentempel,
Hozumi Gensho Roshi
621-0027 Kyoto-fu, Kameoka-shi, Sogabe-cho, Inukai
Sogabe-cho, Inukai
Tel/Fax: from abroad: +81-771-23-1784
in Japan: (Tokoji) 0771-23-1784
Web site:
Director: Muishitsu Rotaishi (Hozumi Gensho Roshi)
Kyoto Meditation Centre
Residence: Okura A407
Mibu, Fuchida-cho 12
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto T604, Japan
Tel: 75-821-5507
Tradition: Tibetan, Kagyu-Nyingma Linaege
Kyoto Shambhala Meditation Group
c/o Lawrence Schourop
Nakagyoku, Kyoto, 604-8855 Japan
Tel: 81 0-75-821-5507:
Tradition: Tibetan, Shambala
Sprititual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Lankaji Temple
A Sri Lanka Theravada temple in Japan.
Conducts meditation classes, friendly talking time for stress relief.
3318-5 Kogaishima, Katori-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan.
Tel/Fax: (81) 478-56-1394
Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple
Taho Fuji Dai-Nichi-Renge-Zan Taisekiji
2057 Kamijo, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka. Japan
Nichiren Shu Order Headquarters
1-32-15 Ikegami,
Ota-ku, 146-8544
Tokyo, JAPAN
Phone: 81-3-3751-7181
Fax: 81-3-3751-7186
Web page:
Odawara Sangha
Contact: Keisuke Shimada
117 Uchiyama Minami Ashigara Kanagawa
Tel/Fax: (81) 465-73-0831
Tradition: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn. and Order of Interbeing.
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
San'un Zendo
2-16-5 Komachi
Kamakura-shi, Kangawa-ken 248
Tel: (0467) 23-2010
Director: Koun Yamada Roshi
Tradition: Mixture of Rinzai and Soto Zen
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha in Hawaii
Contact: Kan'un Miyazaki Roshi
Sayagyi U Ba Khin Memorial Trust
Komatsuri-Cho 923
Kishiwada-Shi, Osaka-Fu, 596 Japan
Tel: 724 45 0057
Fax: 724 45 0057 or 722 97 3201
Web site:
Tradition: Theravada/Vipassana meditation
Teachers: Mother Sayama and Saya U Chit Tin
Seitaian Zen Hermitage
Gentaku Kita-machi 35, Kita-ku
Kyoto, Japan 603
Tel/Fax: (075) 491-2579
Abbot: Rev. Takamine Doyu
For more information in English, contact: Rev. Daitsu
Tom Wright, Awata Horiike-cho 373-27, Higashiyama-ku
Kyoto, Japan 605-0038. Tel/Fax: (075) 752-0421
Shinzanji Temple
Web site:
Roshi Shinzan Miyamae
Tel: 0575-29-0480, Fax: 0575-29-0348
Mailing address:
1603-1 Kamino
Seki, Gifu-Ken
Japan 501-3203
Shozanji International Buddhist Center
(Japan-Sri Lanka International Buddhist Center)
1693-2 Yamada-cho, Hachioji-shi
Tokyo,193-0933 Japan
Contact: Ven. Yalagamuwe Dhammissara Thero
Tel: 81-426-67-7042, Fax: 81-426-67-7042
Tradition: Sri Lanka Theravada Buddhism
Chief Incumbent in Japan: Ven. Yalagamuwe Dhammissara Thero
Soka Gakkai Headquarters
32 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku Ward
Tokyo 160-8583, Japan
Tel: 03-3353-7111
Web site:
Tradition: Nichiren Buddhism
President: Daisaku Ikeda
Tibet Culture Centre
401 Gotanda Lila Hi-Town
15-12-2 Nishi Gotanda Lila
Shinagawa-Ju Tokyo 141
Tel: (03) 490 7868
Tendai Lotus Teachings
468-0069 Aichi-Ken, Nagoya-shi
Tenpaku-Ku, Omoteyama 2-2102
Yagoto Lodge A205
Contact: Jion Prosser
Web site:
Tradition: Tendai
Toshoji International Zen Center
4-5-18 Yutaka-cho, Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo 142-0042 Japan
Tel: (0) 3-3781-4235, Fax: 3781-6168
Web site:
Abbot: Rev. Deguchi Tetsujyo
The Vietnamese Buddhist Association in Japan
Shirataki Fudo Son, Negishi-Cho 3-156 Naka-Ku
Yokohama-Shi, Kanagawa-Ken 231 Japan
Tel/Fax: 045-624-0680
Contact: Senior Venerable Thich Chon Le
Yohgi-ji Temple Miyagi
108 Hachimazaki
Rifu - Machi, Miyagi ken 985-0112
Contact: Rev Dokan Shoichi Makabe